Elegance, Uninterrupted.

Beautiful things deserve everyday admiration. Elevate your daily routine with our protective, luxury bags—crafted to last across generations.

Beauty Through Beauty

Maison Vouette was designed as an everyday essential for carrying and protecting your favorite items.

We believe that by enjoying what we have leads to heightened enjoyment.

Each MV. Handbag is hand made by local craftsman, inspired by the methods of Italian leather makers, to quality standards that will last the rigors of time.

Our Eco-Friendly Pledge

Maison Vouette was born out of the belief to enjoy, use and care for our possessions. We source responsibly using recycled materials and industry by-products.

At Maison Vouette it is our mission to encourage the enjoyment of beauty every day, to use our possessions to their fullest and consume less.

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